Leading Greats #63

Overwhelm | Response | Attitude | Growth > 100k followers

It's easy to get Overwhelmed by external factors we Can't Control

However, focusing on what we can control is where authentic leadership shines.

Here are three critical areas within our control, applicable to both our careers and home life:

1. Our Response:

We can't control every event or circumstance, but we can control how we respond.

Reacting with composure, empathy, and decisiveness can turn challenges into opportunities.

Remember, it's not the situation but our reaction that defines the outcome.

As Viktor Frankl, renowned psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, famously said:

"Between stimulus and response, there is a space.

In that space, it is our power to choose our response."

2. Our Attitude:

Maintaining a positive, solution-oriented mindset is crucial.

An optimistic attitude not only boosts your resilience but also inspires those around you.

When faced with setbacks, view them as learning opportunities and steer your team or family toward growth.

Carol Dweck, a leading researcher in psychology, highlights the importance of a growth mindset in fostering resilience and continuous improvement.

3. Our Effort:

Consistency in effort separates successful individuals from the rest.

Dedication to continuous improvement, showing up every day with determination, and leading by example are entirely within our control.

Your effort sets the standard for your team and family.

Renowned leadership expert John C. Maxwell emphasizes that effort and persistence are key traits of influential leaders.

Resetting When Things Are Out of Control

When situations, people, or circumstances suddenly emerge as out of our control, it's essential to reset and regain our balance.

Here's a five-step offering to help you navigate these moments effectively:

1. Pause and Breathe:

Take a moment to stop and breathe deeply. This simple act can help calm your mind and body, allowing you to think more clearly—practice mindfulness techniques to regain your composure.

2. Assess the Situation:

Evaluate what is out of your control and identify the aspects that you can influence. This helps you focus your energy on areas where you can make a difference rather than stressing over what you cannot change.

3. Adjust Your Perspective:

Shift your mindset from a problem-focused to a solution-oriented approach. Ask yourself, "What can I learn from this?" and "How can I move forward?" Adopting a growth mindset, as Carol Dweck suggests, can turn obstacles into opportunities.

4. Take Constructive Action:

Formulate a plan to address the situation. Break it down into manageable steps and start with what you can do immediately. By taking proactive steps, no matter how small, you regain a sense of control and direction.

5. Seek Support:

Don't hesitate to reach out to colleagues, mentors, or family members for Support and advice. Sharing your challenges can provide new perspectives and solutions that you might have yet to consider. Building a support network is crucial in both personal and professional life.

Emphasizing these controllable aspects not only enhances your effectiveness but also empowers your team and family to thrive in any situation.

Remember, leadership is not just about managing others but also about managing ourselves effectively.

The unexpected happened this weekend 

I experienced unprecedented internet outages in my neighborhood.

There was damage to local infrastructure.

100,000 LinkedIn followers

I closed out the month of May 2024, reaching > 100,000 followers on LinkedIn!

Thank you ALL for supporting my journey up to that 100k milestone. 

I appreciate YOU!

I am sharing the infographic post that put me over the 100,000 follower count:

Effective Leadership. This sheet is one of my favorite infographics.

This is the most updated version.

Effective Leadership: The Only Guide You Need

P.S. If you share my content I request you A] credit me clearly, and B] do not include it with another promotion or service. Thank you. Enjoy!

I have experienced tremendous LinkedIn growth in recent months. 

Once I hit 10,000 followers in the fall of 2023, things took off rapidly.

I offer Access to this Growth as a Service.



^ As a Leadership Catalyst and Executive Coach, I empower Executives, Leaders, and Professionals to realize Impact for Unprecedented Success in Life and Career.

^ As a Conscious Leader, I help you Master Real Performance and Well-being.

^ If this sounds like you, your organization, or someone you know - I can help. **See CONTACT Links a few lines down.


LinkedIn Growth Coaching

Would you like Enhanced Presence or Improved Reach to your TARGET audience on LinkedIn? I can help you!

On LinkedIn I quickly grew from < 4k to > 100K followers!

This is A LOT of WORK!!

It can be fun too - I can help make it smoother.

Choose your own growth pace.

I took time off & still grew exponentially. + I focused & enjoyed personal life. 

I can help you do this too - get your time back while making impact!!

For a few Ambitious Clients - I can help you increase your TARGET Audience reach right away.

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Available for SPEAKING Events.

Member: NSA, ACHE, ICF

I LEAD a very interesting life → Full of Challenges & GROWTH!

→ My enthusiasm comes through as I am excited sharing my gains!


The World Needs More Great Leaders!

I am working with ambitious CEOs, Founders, Leaders, and Professionals, breaking past barriers to growth while Leading Big Impact in all areas of life.

I have carved out niche packages to work with ambitious Coaching Clients -> this moves them to achieve the future they deserve & desire - now.

- For those leaders and professionals interested in leading greatly at all levels of life, work, and relationships, you can start now.

Reach out, and let’s get a strategy call on the calendar so you can get closer to what you really want in life, work, and relationships at ronniekinsey.net

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Til next time - Keep it Great,


  • Leadership Catalyst & Transformational Coach

  • #1 LinkedIn Global Growth > 100,000 followers

  • #4 Favikon Global Leadership & Management [Simon Sinek @ #3]

  • Leader | Advisor | Speaker | Writer

  • When you are ready, schedule a strategy call for working together

  • ronniekinsey.net

  • https://linkedin.com/in/ronniekinseymba/