Leading Greats #59

Overwhelm | Servant Leaders | Joy | Luck Leading Greats

I woke up to May 5th, 2024, today

Time reality quickly set in.

I don't know about you, but I have huge goals for Q2 and H1 of 2024. 

Time waits for no one!

It's also interesting that there are five Fridays in May this year.

I keep honing my time budget

The 3D Time Management system quickly comes to mind.

3 Ds represent:

  1. Delegate = get help with tasks

  2. Dump = forget the tasks

  3. Delay = reschedule less pressing tasks

This simple prioritization system helps me quickly manage my focus.

Use a reminder system of these important factors in your life:

values and priorities that serve your goals and productivity.

This can get you closer to feeling fulfilled when work and life can seem heavy.

Overwhelm is a fascinating topic to learn solutions from

I have heard from business and city leaders recently about how they recognize, experience, and manage overwhelm.

Whenever a hint of being overwhelmed encroaches, it's a powerful moment of self-realization.

By quickly clarifying your values and aligning them with your priorities, you're taking a significant step towards regaining control and managing overwhelm.

Do you have your values written down?

Writing out your values helps to get them out of your head.

A written set of values increases visibility and reinforcement.

When things get busy and even confusing, it helps to refer to what you value most - so you can directly focus to beat overwhelm and deliver your best.

In this digital age, there's a certain joy in going back to the basics.

Choose to use pen or pencil on real paper, and feel the satisfaction of writing things out.

It's not just a task, it's an experience that can inspire and motivate you.

When you write by hand, you engage a part of your brain that acts like a filter for everything your brain needs to process, giving more importance to writing by hand, which helps with memory retention.

This physical act also stimulates neural circuits in the brain, much like exercise does for the muscles.

Plus, handwriting aids in learning and recall more than typing.

It slows you down just enough to help consolidate learning, making the information stick better in your memory.

So, next time you have something important to remember, try writing it down by hand.

The same practice works for your goals, having them written down…

So you can refer to them for your progress check.

To stay on top of your most important goals,

you need consistent monthly reviews at a minimum.

Find JOY daily

Don't underestimate the power of finding joy in daily activities.

It's not just about happiness, it's about your mental and physical well-being.

This simple act can reduce stress, improve heart health, and enhance your overall sense of well-being and focus.

Engaging in meaningful activities that bring joy also adds depth to life, making everyday moments more impactful and fulfilling.

Studies from the Harvard School of Public Health reinforce the important benefits of finding joy.

Yesterday, I had breakfast with our Mayor

Council members, and commissioners were also present.

It was really great to speak with such a Servant Leader in a small, intimate group setting.

The necessary security detail was present, of course.

This serves as a reminder of how the higher profile and more impact you have on the lives of others, your protections can become a greater concern.

Conscious leadership is a big responsibility.

Every person in the top ranks is still human.

We all need healthy support systems to do our best work.

Not all choices that leaders make will be popular.

Many decisions leaders make will be flat-out resisted.

Doing the right thing can be the hardest thing to do -

but strong leaders do this.

"You have an interesting life."

I just got that text from a fellow business thought leader.

To that, I responded:

It's my requirement and non-negotiable, to have an interesting life.

That is a massive part of my life values and goals.

On that note: Beyonce (THE) and her entourage halted an un-ignorable black Rolls Royce with a full network of antennas off the roof, flanked by a few heavy duty black SUVs - for me - to walk across the street home the other day.

Here in West Hollywood, I see plenty ultra luxurious cars, it’s expected.

Beyonce’s Black Rolls Royce was an attention grab, complete with vanity plate, simply: BEYONCE

This is but one marker of success.

Beyonce has surely blazed trails leading success in many areas.

Legacy and Consistency come to mind when I think of her work: Leading Greats

Life can be interesting, especially when you increase your luck surface area.

Thoughts > Words > Actions > Behaviors = Results

How I can HELP YOU:


^ As a Leadership Catalyst and Executive Coach, I empower Executives, Leaders, and Professionals to realize Impact for Purposeful Success in life and career.

^ As a Conscious Leader, I help you Master Real Performance and Well-being.

^ If this sounds like you, your organization, or someone you know - I can help. **See CONTACT Links a few lines down.


NOW Offering: LinkedIn Growth Coaching

Would you like enhanced presence or improved reach to your TARGET audience on LinkedIn? I gained this. I can help you too.

On LinkedIn I quickly grew 20X+ from 4k to over 91K followers!

This is A LOT of WORK!! I can help make it smoother.

I even took weeks off. + I focused & enjoyed personal life. 

+ I still grew exponentially.

I can help you do this too - get your time back while making impact!!

Now I offer LinkedIn Growth Coaching for a few ambitious clients.

I can help you increase your TARGET Audience reach right away.

Gain access to my tactics, strategies and my support to grow on LinkedIn.

Schedule in my FEATURED section on LinkedIn + link below.

You can also email me, and DM on linkedin to start a conversation about support.


The World Needs More Great Leaders!

I am working with ambitious CEOs, Founders, Leaders, and Professionals, breaking past barriers with Joy while Leading Big Impact.

I have carved out niche packages to work with ambitious Coaching Clients -> this moves them to achieve the future they deserve & desire - now.

- For those leaders and professionals interested in leading greatly at all levels of life, work, and relationships, you can start now.

Reach out, and let’s get a strategy call on the calendar so you can get closer to what you really want in life, work, and relationships at ronniekinsey.net

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Consistently, I appreciate your time and support here!!

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Til next time - Keep it Great,
