Leading Greats #57

Stratospheric Success | Earth Day | Stewardship | Leading Greatly

Earth Day is April 22nd

After living in some very dynamic and beautiful places near large bodies of water, Earth Day and Environmental Stewardship mean plenty to me.

Earth Day is observed more globally now.

We all have great opportunities to influence and inspire others in sustainability.

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Do you know the 5 Laws of Stratospheric Success?

The Five Laws of Stratospheric Success, are designed to promote a giving mindset in business and personal interactions.

These principles challenge the conventional wisdom of self-first strategies in business, advocating instead for a focus on generosity and building relationships.

The 5 Laws of Stratospheric Success are:

  1. The Law of Value: 

    Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment.

    This law encourages focusing on adding value to others rather than just making profits.

  2. The Law of Compensation:

    Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them.

    It expands on the first law by stating that the more people you impact positively, the greater your rewards will be.

  3. The Law of Influence:

    Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people's interests first.

    This underscores the importance of genuinely helping others and prioritizing their needs as a pathway to success.

  4. The Law of Authenticity:

    The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself.

    Being genuine and transparent in your interactions builds trust and fosters more meaningful relationships.

  5. The Law of Receptivity:

    The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving.

    This law points out that giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin, and being open to receiving allows you to continue giving.

"The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea" by Bob Burg and John David Mann presents a unique approach to success that revolves around the principle of giving.

They present The 5 Laws of Stratospheric Success there.

By focusing on giving value to others,

one can ultimately achieve greater success and fulfillment.

AI generated rendition of Earth Day

There are so many useful AI tools now.

If you are not already using them, try them out. Have fun!

How I can HELP YOU:

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^ As a Leadership Catalyst and Executive Coach, I empower Executives, Leaders, and Professionals to realize Impact for Stratospheric Success in life and career.

^ As a Conscious Leader, I help you Master Real Performance and Well-being.

^ If this sounds like you, your organization, or someone you know - I can help.


NOW: LinkedIn Growth Coaching

For too long on LinkedIn I did not have the information and tactics needed to make impact for my presence on LinkedIn.

I figured many things out by now.

I grew 10X on LinkedIn in a matter of weeks!

Then I grew 20X in a few more weeks from 4k to over 80K followers!

I can help you do this too - get your time back while making impact!!

Now I offer LinkedIn Growth Coaching for a few ambitious clients.

I can help you increase your audience reach right away.

Gain access to my tactics, strategies and my support to grow on LinkedIn.

Schedule in my FEATURED section on LinkedIn + link below.

You can also email me, and DM on linkedin to start a conversation about support.

The World Needs More Great Leaders!

I am working with ambitious CEOs, Founders, Leaders, and Professionals, breaking past barriers with Purpose while Leading with Big Impact.

I have carved out niche packages to work with ambitious Coaching Clients => this moves them to achieve the future they deserve & desire - now.

- For those leaders and professionals interested in leading greatly at all levels of life, work, and relationships, you can start now.

Reach out, and let’s get a strategy call on the calendar so you can get closer to what you really want in life, work, and relationships at ronniekinsey.net

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Consistently, I appreciate your time and support here!!

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Til next time - Keep it Great,
