Leading Greats #36

Thankful | Leadership in Vulnerability | Clear Thinking | Knowing What Matters

We all have so much to be thankful for

Surely circumstances vary!

If you are reading this, you have plenty to be thankful for.

I am fortunate to have and have had some great people in my life. 

However, I have also been met with many oversized challenges from a young age. 

Some seemed insurmountable as I was going through them. 

I attended many family funerals in my youth, enough that I started to admire the funeral director role. 

This was an early experience for me of a leader, one who had a positive impact on others during vulnerable times.

Having a positive impact on others has always been attractive to me partly because I got frequent feedback that I had this gift naturally.

"Think of yourself as dead. You have lived your life. Now take what's left and live it properly.” - Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, Book 7

Clear Thinking

Recently, I read Clear Thinking, a book by Shane Parrish.

My interest in this book came as I am attracted to good decision-making.

Enjoy a few takeaways from this book:

Good Decision-Making Comes down to two things:

  1. Knowing how to get what you want

  2. Knowing what's worth wanting

Wake-up call: good and effective decisions are not the same.

Effective decisions get you the first outcome, while good ones get you the ultimate outcome.

We experience regret in life over things we've done as well as over things we've failed to do. 

Still, the worst regret is when we fail to live a life true to ourselves when we fail to play by our own scorecard.

Real wisdom does not come from chasing success but from building character. 

"There is no effectiveness without discipline, and there is no discipline without character." - Jim Collins

The quality of what you seek determines the quality of your actual life.

We see social comparisons all the time. The comparisons may shift.

At times, they may be about physical possessions; other times, it is about status.

“Happy-when” folks are actually never happy. 

Once they get what they want, there is a new “when” with new conditions to meet.

When we start taking the good things around us for granted, we may only see the way things are now and expect that is how they should be.

I will close with the example of the famed Charles Dickens character - Ebenezer Scrooge

Scrooge was defined by greed and seeking wealth at any expense, above all else.

Scrooge had spirits visit him and offer a view of many aspects of his life: past, present, and future.

Considering the long-term consequences of his decisions, Scrooge felt regret and begged for another chance.

Scrooge got to course correct.

Scrooge is a prime example of playing by society's scoreboard, with a focus on status, wealth, power, and hierarchy.

Scrooge gained the new view that none of what he had pursued really mattered.

Before his life ended, luckily for Scrooge, he came to realize that a successful life was about meaningful relationships and keeping good company.

Knowing what to want in life is the most important thing.

We often know what is most important if we follow our gut.

"It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it." 

- Seneca, On the Shortness of Life, Chapter 1

^ As a Conscious Leadership Catalyst and Executive Coach, I help Executives, Leaders, and Professionals transform culture through human-centered empathy.

^ As a Conscious Leader, I help you master performance and well-being.

^ If this sounds like you, your organization, or someone you know - I can help.

The World Needs More Great Leaders!

Currently, I have Limited Capacity to work with New Coaching Clients

- for those Leaders and Professionals interested in leading greatly in all levels of life, work, and relationships.

Reach out, and let’s get a strategy call on the calendar so you can get closer to what you really want in life, work, and relationships at ronniekinsey.net

Thank YOU for reading!

I wish you a successful close to 2023, one month to go!!

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Til next time - Keep it Great,


  • Leadership Catalyst & Transformational Coach

  • Leader | Advisor | Speaker | Writer

  • When you are ready: schedule a strategy call for working together @ ronniekinsey.net

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