Leading Greats #33

Spiritual Laws of Success | Unique Talent | Purpose | Leadership

I had an entirely different line up for this issue originally

Once I completed reading The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra this week I thought I would merely mention it here.

The next day I re-read it and it had a bigger impact.

These laws powerfully apply to all aspects of life.

I was moved to share these laws with you here in Leading Greats.

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

#1__The Law of Pure Potentiality

This law is based on the fact that we are, in our essential state/nature, pure consciousness.

Pure consciousness is pure potentiality; it is the field of all possibilities and infinite creativity.

#2__The Law of Giving

As the universe operates through dynamic exchange, this law could also be called the Law of Giving and Receiving.

Nothing is static.

The flow of life is nothing other than the harmonious interaction of all the elements and forces that structure the field of existence.

The more you give, the more you will receive, because you will keep the abundance of the universe circulating in your life.

We lack nothing because our essential nature is one of pure potentiality and infinite possibilities.

Each time I meet someone, I will silently wish them happiness, joy, and laughter.

#3__The Law of Cause and Effect (Karma)

"What you sow is what you reap."

Karma implies the action of conscious choice-making.

Everything that is happening in this moment is the result of choices that you made in the past, like it or not.

Think of choices.

I could offend or insult you, and you could make the choice not to be offended.

I could also pay you a compliment, and you could make the choice not to be flattered.

By becoming a conscious choice-maker, you begin to generate actions that are evolutionary for you and for those that are around you.

#4__The Law of Least Effort

This is the principle of least action, of no resistance.

If you observe nature, you see the least effort is expended.

Trees just grow; they don't try to grow. Fish just swim; they don't try to swim.

This is intrinsic nature.

In age-old philosophy, this is the principle of the economy of effort, or "do less and accomplish more."

When you remain open to all points of view - not rigidly attached to only one - your dreams and desires will flow with nature's desires.

#5__The Law of Intention and Desire

This law is based on the fact that energy and information exist everywhere in nature.

The whole universe, in its essential nature, is the movement of energy and information.

The only difference between you and a tree is the informational and energy content of your respective bodies.

In the scheme of nature, everything correlates and connects with everything else.

Intention is the real powerhouse behind desire. Intent alone is very powerful because intent is desire without attachment.

As long as your attention is in the present then your intent will manifest because the future is created in the present.

#6__The Law of Detachment

This law says that to acquire anything in the physical universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it.

This is not giving up on the intention of anything.

This is giving up on attachment to the result.

Anything you want can be acquired through detachment because detachment is based on the unquestioning belief in the power of your true Self.

Attachment, on the other hand is based on fear and insecurity - and the need for security is based on not knowing the true Self.

True wealth consciousness is the ability to have anything you want, anytime you want, and with the least effort.

To be grounded in this experience, you have to be grounded in the wisdom of uncertainty.

In this uncertainty, you will find the freedom to create anything you want.

Good luck is nothing but preparedness and opportunity coming together.

When you step into the field of all possibilities, and you remain open to an infinity of choices, you experience all the fun, adventure, magic, and mystery of life.

#7__The Law of Dharma

Dharma is a Sanskrit word that means "purpose in life."

This law says that we have taken manifestation in physical form to fulfill a purpose.

According to this law, you have a unique talent and a unique way of expressing it.

Expressing your talents to fulfill needs creates wealth and abundance.

Three parts to this law:

1 ] We're spiritual beings having a human experience. Discover your spiritual self.

2 ] There is one thing you can do, and one way of doing it, that is better than anyone else on this entire planet.

When you are doing that one thing, you lose track of time.

3 ] Service to humanity. When you combine the ability to express your unique talent with service to humanity, then you make full use of the Law of Dharma.

Ask "How can I help?".

This exactly leads to unlimited abundance.

"The past is history, the future is a mystery, and this moment is a gift. That is why this moment is called 'the present'."

For anyone interested in further discussion of how these laws can be applied in life, they go much deeper than I wanted to take your time with here.

Reach out to me to explore these further.

This photo was taken in Malibu, California, it is an intricately carved wooden gate, over 6’ tall, over 20’ wide = impressive.

^ As a Strategic Leadership Catalyst and Executive Coach I help motivated professionals transform culture through human centered empathy.

^ I help leaders and motivated professionals master performance and well-being.

^ If this sounds like you, your organization, or someone you know - I can help.

The World Needs More Great Leaders!

This particular issue deals with great principles that apply for leaders and self-leadership.

Currently I have Limited Opportunity to take on Coaching Clients

- for those leaders and motivated professionals interested in leading greatly in all levels of life, work, and relationships.

Reach out and let’s get a strategy call on the calendar so you can get closer to what you really want in life, work, relationships.


Thank YOU for reading!

Always, I appreciate your time and support here!!

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Til next time - Keep it Great,


  • Leadership Catalyst & Transformational Coach

  • Leader | Advisor | Speaker | Writer

  • When you are ready: schedule a strategy call for working together @ ronniekinsey.net

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